Concealed Carry Academy, LLC
Courses Taught by Experienced Law Enforcement Professionals
Call (828) 356-5454
Dear CCH Instructors:
We have had nearly 700 replies to the survey overwhelmingly opposing the proposed rules. The survey was sent to all known instructors, and it is still available for you to complete in case you have not yet responded. The results will be brought forth to the Commissioner’s at the next Hearing on November 15th, so it is VERY important that you please take a moment and assist us.
NOTE: Several people have asked that we clarify Question #8: Do you teach from the “Red Book”? Yes/No
“YES” means that you teach your class exclusively and only from the Red Book.
“NO” means that you may use or refer to the Red Book, but essentially, you teach your own approved course utilizing slides, videos, diagrams or otherwise.
As many of those who attended the last Hearing were prevented from entering the Hearing room due to size limitations, we want to be sure to make the Commission aware of how many “plan” to be there on November 15th, in the event that they may seek a larger venue.
Please click here to let us know if you plan on attending the November 15th Hearing in-person.