Concealed Carry Academy, LLC
Courses Taught by Experienced Law Enforcement Professionals
Call (828) 356-5454
TO: All Concealed Carry Instructors
FROM: Bob Overton, CCH/RLEO Program Manager
REF: Concealed Carry Program Code Changes and Acadis Update
Date: June 23, 2023
The purpose of this document is to inform you of upcoming Concealed Carry Instructor Program Rule Changes effective October 1, 2023, and to update you on the transition to the Acadis System.
Rule Changes for CCH Instructor Program:
The NC Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission is in the process of adding and amending several rules within SUBCHAPTER 09F-SECTION .0100 of the NC Administrative Code which establishes the rules for the administration of the Concealed Carry Handgun Training Program for NC. These changes will take effect on October 1, 2023. Below is a summary of the changes that are being made by the Commission:
Code changes and additions effective October 1, 2023.
-All CCH classes must be taught in person. Virtual CCH classes are not approved by the Commission.
-No steel or metal targets may be used at distances less than 10 yards from the target.
-Not fewer than 30 days before commencing delivery of a CCH Course, instructor must submit to the Commission a Pre-Delivery Report that contains:
Instructor name
Type of course (NCJA MODEL, NRA, or USCCA) as approved by the Commission
Date and location of the course
Hours of course (minimum of 8 hours)
Anticipated number of students
(the form will be provided to instructors)
-Not more than 10 days after the completion of the CCH course, submit to the Commission a Post-Delivery Report containing the following information;
Instructor(s) name(s) if changes were made
Actual number of attendees.
(the form will be provided to the instructors)
-All CCH instructors will maintain a roster of students completing each CCH Course in compliance with the NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources Retention and Disposition Schedule established to GS 121-4 and GS 132-8.1.
The Roster must include at a minimum;
Each student’s legal name and contact information
The Roster must be available to Division Staff for audit purposes.
-CCH Instructors must provide a current copy of the Concealed Carry Handgun Training manual (Red Book) as published by the NC Justice Academy. The contents of this manual must be included in the curriculum for the CCH Course. (NOTE: The updated Red Book Volume VIII will be available by July 15th, 2023, from the NC Justice Academy Bookstore)
Below is the link to the NCJA Bookstore Information:
-USCCA Concealed Carry and Home Defense Instructor Certification has been approved as an acceptable certification for NC CCH Instructor Certification.
-Effective October 1, 2023, the Commission will not accept the Private Protective Services Firearms Trainer Certification for NC CCH Instructor Certification.
Both the Pre-Delivery and Post-Delivery forms have been attached for your use. They will also be posted on the website as we move closer to October 1st. Remember, this will not take effect until October 1, 2023, so you will need only to complete Pre-Delivery and Post-Delivery Forms for classes being held after October 1. 2023. Please email the forms to my attention at
Acadis Transition
CJ Training and Standards has transitioned to the Acadis System. This is a phased transition that will evolve over the coming months. As of now, you will continue to mail in your paperwork as you always have, and the information will be entered and processed by staff into the Acadis System. As your paperwork is being processed, you will receive new instructor numbers that will be indicated on your paperwork as it is distributed back to you. You will use the new instructor number on your student certificates and all correspondence with CJ Standards,
As we transition, we will, in the future begin using Acadis exclusively for submittals, payment, and processing. We are not there yet; however, we are moving in that direction. You will get updates and directions in how this process will affect you and information on how to further use your Acadis Account.
As a first step, the Acadis Portal is available at the following link:
Every CCH Instructor has already been entered into the system, if you have not already accessed the Acadis Portal and need to get yourself set up for the first time, you can email and let them know you should already be in the system, provide your name/DOB, and they will help get your access set up.
Once in place, this system will be more efficient and user friendly for instructors. We ask for your continued patience as we navigate this transition.